Episode 76:
Ten Seconds of Courage with Nadine Champion
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Have you ever felt stuck in life? What is holding you back from being the best version of yourself that you don’t really know what to do, but you feel a calling from deep within? You have so many dreams and aspirations, but you just can’t find the courage and motivation to get started.
You’re not alone. So many of us have a secret dream we feel is impossible to achieve. But, like anything in life, achieving that dream requires action.
Our guest, Nadine Champion is an inspiring speaker, martial arts teacher and author. She has dedicated over 35 years of her life to studying martial arts and discovering practical tools for strengthening the mind, developing resilience and building courage.
Her passion is to challenge individuals and organizations to change their thinking to reach their highest potential. Armed with a zest for life born of authentic lived experience, Nadine uses her own inspirational story to ignite resilience and courage in others. Her dream is to build a community of people using 10 Seconds of Courage to reach their highest potential.
Nadine shared how she transformed her life from kickboxer to cancer patient to professional speaker. She shared how she took courage by focusing on mindset, mental and morning routine.
One of her life changing moments is during her TEDx talk which eventually led to her writing a book entitled “10 Seconds of Courage”. There are those moments that really change our lives and lead to the big visible moments that everyone can see. The idea is that when you need to feel brave, all it takes is ten seconds. Ten seconds of courage.
Nadine helped me explore the power of positive affirmations through the “ I am” concept. The results were striking. It had a profound effect on my life. The only two rules are to write positive things, so they can't be negative. The exercise is about who you are at your core and getting you to think about your life, how you show up in your life and who you really are. It's about valuing who we are, and what we are able to give and what we do as travel advisors, what we give to our clients and what we share with our clients, it comes back to who we are as ourselves.
It’s courage that helps us step forward without permission. It’s courage that lets us take that first step into uncertainty. And it’s courage that lets us move forward from the life we always wanted.
I encourage everybody to have that courage to reach out to be there for other people but also to know that you can ask us well, because we've only got this one life. Live your life to the fullest. Go after your dreams!
On that note, we’d also love to have you in the Achievers in Travel - Facebook group, make sure you join the FREE community. Achievers in Travel - Accountability Group.

Links Mentioned in the Episode
10 Seconds of Courage: Life Lesson from a Fighter
Booktopia - 10 Seconds of Courage
Quotes from this Episode
"If I believe that one day, maybe I can be a champion, then that creates the possibility. If I believe I could never be a champion, that's my reality." - Nadine
“If you look back on your life, every good thing that ever happened to you started, not necessarily in what looks like a life-changing moment”.- Nadine
“Our brains will find the things that make what we're thinking truer, rather than to challenge”.- Nadine
“It's about valuing who we are, and what we are able to give and what we do as travel advisors, what we give to our clients and what we share with our clients, it comes back to who we are as ourselves”.- Ros
“The biggest things that have had the most exponentially amazing effect on my life have come from that little quiet voice”.- Nadine
“Live the best life that they possibly can in their wildest dreams. Absolutely go for it”- Ros
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"Ten Seoconds of Courage with Nadine Champion".
Ros: Hey everybody, welcome back to the Travel Agent Achievers Podcast. I'm Ros your host, and I am joined here today with a very special guest, Nadine Champion. No, I say that and I wish I had the super cool voice of you know, walking into a stadium and everyone's cheering so I'm just going to do that for myself with. There's the crowd cheering.
Nadine is amazing. Now, she's also an inspirational speaker. She's a martial arts teacher and an author. She has an incredible book. Now she's dedicated her life of over she says 35 years. She's way younger than that. But 35 years to studying martial arts and discovering practical tools for strengthening the mind, developing resilience and building courage. Nadine teens this knowledge that she has with a degree in criminology.
She is intrigued. By the way, our mindset can either hold us back or motivate us to be our best. As the winner of a gold medal in the World Martial Arts games and with an undefeated record. As a title holding kickboxer don't mess with her, because she has experience as well with performing under pressure just like us as travel advisors performing under pressure all the time.
Now, although it may sound a little bit scary. She says she's not mean she is not scary at all. She has one of the biggest hearts of anyone that I know. She's incredibly authentic. She is known for so many different things, including her love of sausage dogs, which is the same as my son Jackson. He loves them to bits and no, I don't have one.
So Nadine, welcome to the Travel Agent Achievers podcast. I am thrilled that you are here. I was only just recently talking about you as I spoke at a travel conference. So to have you here in person almost. I'm absolutely thrilled and honored. Thank you for joining us today.
Nadine: I'm so excited to be here. It's enthralling. I can't wait to chat to you and all of your listeners today.
Ros: Yeah, cool. Awesome. Well, let's kick it off with a little bit about your words where it sounds a little bit scary that you know, you're this world champion kickboxer. I don't see you as scary at all. So is this some sort of self-talk that you've said or if people told you that, oh, that's really scary that you're a world champion kickboxer.
Nadine: You know why it's when I'm doing presentations, and I'm speaking and I'm talking about my story, and then I'm talking about my competitive career. I show a picture of me fighting, it looks like a different person. People often go, oh, you seem so nice until now. I wear glasses and being professional. Then all of a sudden I put up a picture of another part of my life. Yeah. Another side of myself, we all have multiple layers, right? We're all little onions. So I'm just expressing a very particular part of myself, in my sport.
It's very different to how I live my day to day life. So I'm aware that to a lot of people, especially, female listeners who've never been in any fisticuffs in their lives, hopefully.
Ros: Yeah, that's true.
Nadine: You know, people are like, well, that's a really It had nothing to do. But it's not something that I recommend to other people. It's just something that you're called to do. We all have little quirky things that we enjoy that other people might think, Wow, really, you're into horror movies. You know, you seem so nice.
Ros: I say that about one of my girlfriend's. What. And she's like, yes, we can only watch green and of Green Gables together, Ros?
Nadine: Whatever you're into no judgment.
Ros: Yeah,I know. Well, thank you for being here today. I want to talk about courage. So your journey throughout life, you've gone through all of these twists and turns, can you give us a little bit of your background, and then how professional speaking came to your world and where you're at now, because I know that you are traveling a lot, my friend. Now that the world has opened up, you're traveling a lot, and we're gonna get to that. But a little bit about you and your background for those that perhaps don't know who you are.
Nadine: I'll give you the 10 second version.
Ros: No, I love the 20 minute version, because that's pretty cool. But I know that we don't have that amount of time today.
Nadine: Okay, I'll give you the short version. I'll expand on it. So I started doing and fell in love with martial arts when I was 10. So as a little kid, I watched the Karate Kid movie and I thought I want that to be my life. Yeah, it took me 10 years to find my Mr. Miyagi. I did have a very, very good teacher that I've been with for 25 years. His name, Sensei
Benny, he's quite a famous martial artist, spider movie star guy. But that wasn't what I was interested in about him.
I was interested in what he calls the internal training. So external trainings, the martial arts bit that you would recognize physically as martial arts, that he was a unique teacher because he taught internal training, which is all of the mindset behind martial arts, fighting spirit. So we all have been a fighting spirit. I know a lot of people think, Oh, I would never. But imagine someone was harassing, a grown adult was harassing your three year old child, would you stand by? Or would you speak up? We all have.
Ros: Yeah, and start messing with my kids. We've all got it in us. Yes. Do you think that the travel industry over the last couple of years, as well particularly, have had that attack, almost, and the kick in the guts over and over again, and I know, we'll touch on this with the courage but just hearing you say that, that was also something that I have seen in the resilience and the courage but also the fight, the fight has come out, and I put that armor on as well. So that's been part of your training, I would say, to learn the armor.
Nadine: Well, it's learning the armor in the right moments. So you know, there are certain moments say someone's really challenging your business. You have to really compete for a big piece of business or someone's critiquing you in a way that's not fair. But there are certain moments where armor is appropriate. For me, it was more around, everyone has a different journey with it. But for me, it was more around taking my armor off emotionally, in the right context. Since Benny calls it the nudist camp, which sounds horrendous. He doesn't mean it like that. At first, I looked at him really funny. Like, what?
Ros: We're not gonna, yeah.
Nadine: But it's more about what comes up for us when we put ourselves out there when we try our best. And so often, especially, I'm sure, you were talking about with the pandemic and the travel industry, lots of people would have found that need to get up and fight, you know, to fight for their business to go the extra mile, to come back and do their best even though things might be a little funny. So there are certain moments where we all have to bring forward that fighting spirit or get back up, as you mentioned, resilience.
For me, I wanted to do really well at this martial arts thing. But what comes up for so many of us when we're really trying our absolute best, especially when things don't work out the way we plan them. Or we find ourselves in just really challenging circumstances that don't have an end date on them. We tend to have a lot of feelings about that.
So the internal training was the competitive mental edge, the mindset and strategy piece but also dealing with the emotion so the way since Benny explained it to me, our sport or our art form is 20% physical, it's 80% mental so mindset and it's 99.9% emotional.
Ros: Wow.
Nadine: I think it's the same in business you are who you say you are, which is something called the "I am" concept that maybe we can talk about later. Who I don't mean if you think you Lady Gaga like poof, magic, fairy dust, your Lady Gaga, I mean, what maybe you up, but I mean, if I believe that one day, maybe I can be a champion, then that creates the possibility if I believe I could never be a champion. That's my reality.
Ros: Yeah.
Nadine: And that changes day to day emotionally. One day, I'm all in committed. I know this is going to be my story. Yes, yes, yes. The next day, I woke up and I feel terrible, and it's never going to happen and blah, you know, it's all the emotional stuff that comes with it. I call it the washing machine of why something happens at work, something happens with the kids, something happens. That's, you know, that we can't control and we have feelings about it. Yeah. And that can affect our ability to perform especially under pressure.
Ros: So with your journey and Sensei Benny, I mean he's been an incredible role model and mentor for you throughout your life and career and he was also I mean, he's still there I know that recently you guys were able to catch up which was just so beautiful to watch that all unfold on social media. So thank you for sharing all of that because I feel like I'm on that journey with you. But the other part of it like there's been some really tough times for you so the martial arts and your training and the mind and as well as the physical. There's been something pretty big that happened in your life that sort of froze at all. Can you talk about that? Are you okay to do so?
Nadine: Like, of course, your best laid plans, right? We all think we know where we're going. I was at the top of my competitive career and I built my business up and I had a massive waiting list and I was all doing really well. Then out of nowhere, I got cancer. So this was in 2013. Nice and easy to remember lucky 13. You know, I got Hodgkin's Lymphoma. So I was super fit, not what I was expecting at all found a tiny little lump behind my collarbone and just went, Wow, could that be something? So anyone who's ever found a tiny little anything, I vote to call the doctor and just go find out because it does sit in the back of our minds and take away. I had no reason to think I was sick. I already had stage two lymphoma. Wow, I was no way unwell. Just a little skinny. I was buff.
Ros: You were training, you're training all the time. And there wouldn't have been anything else other than to find the lump.
Nadine: Then for marble size was tiny. So you know, but that's life, isn't it? We think we know where we're going. We have goals, plans, hopes and dreams. Then life throws us a curveball as everyone has been through in the last two years in a different way. So that was a really, you know, a big change for me.
I spent six months having chemo and radiation. What they didn't tell me was the year after you finished treatment is often the hardest, not while you're having the treatment. So you get through something like COVID.
Like through the pandemic part of it, where everything's locked down. And then what I've seen so much in the work that I do now is people struggling a bit with reconnecting with, going through the demands of their business, when things have changed, they've changed, working situations have changed. You know, so much has changed, so I had to rebuild in the year afterwards.
I am known for a thing called 10 seconds of courage, which I'm going to explain in a second. But I really believe that we all have life changing moments. If you look back on your life, every good thing that ever happened to you started, not necessarily in what looks like a life changing moment. So one of my life changing moments happened on stage at the Sydney Opera House. It was very obviously life changing moment. But if we reverse engineer that back, the biggest change in my life in a positive way, just began over a coffee with a friend, where she said to me, would you ever think about doing a TEDx talk? You know, and I just sort of very casually said, I suppose so. And I didn't know she was on the organizing committee for TEDx Sydney.
So one year after I was sick, I got the opportunity to do my first ever public speaking event. at TEDx Sydney, they made me the closing speaker in front of 2500 of people, I'd never done it before. I thought they were crazy. I had short term memory loss and no cue cards. I thought they were double crazy for letting me do this. I thought they were triple crazy, because they had the neurosurgeon, Dr. Charlie to and the Queen's counsel speak before me. Then there's little me and my sneakers and my T-shirt going last. So it could have either been a life ruining moment or you know, a life changing moment.
But those big moments happen with our belief system with that inner voice. When someone is just testing the water with you, would you ever think about doing this? She didn't say hey, listen, I can get you this opportunity. Would you be interested? She was just testing, and you never know when these moments arise? So I'm glad I said yes to it. The talk went very well. I did something at the last minute, a week before the talk, I decided to add a little addition to it. If you want to see the talk, it's on YouTube.
Ros: We will link to it in the show notes. It is awesome. Everybody needs to watch it. Yeah. Just to see it come through.
Nadine: It's awesome. It was a big moment. You know, it's going the extra mile in our business. I wasn't making a business decision. It was a personal decision to do a little something extra. Yeah. But I learned that in my training, I learned that in my business. Yeah. So going a little bit extra. And that ended up being a life changing thing.
So the next day, I got a call saying would you like to be a professional speaker? I didn't know that was a job. I said, Yes. I'm so busy. I'm flying everywhere all the time. Sometimes I don't even know where I am. I'm super, super lucky. I got to write a book called 10 seconds of courage. You know, it's those little moments where we say yes to something, no to something. Do the little bit extra, send that one last email, pick up the phone and say thank you for something. Those are the moments that really change our lives and lead to the big visible moments that everyone can see.
Ros: Yeah, so one of the things that you were saying there was about having the courage to say yes to something even though there was the inner critic on your shoulder, saying, “oh, you know, am I going to be good enough for theirs? Why are they picking me”? I can hear even In just what you were saying then that there was a lot of self talk going on. And even right up until you delivered your TEDx making decisions as to what you're going to do, and the little bit of extra. So this is one of the principles, and the concepts that you and I have spoken about previously.
It was when I was going through a tough time, myself, you didn't even know it at the time, you thought that I had everything together. I just asked you a few questions. And you helped me with this particular concept called the “I am concept”. Would you mind just sharing what that is? Because it's had a profound effect on my life. I did exactly as you told me to, and I still come back to my list. So what is it? And what can people do to help with that inner critic or the voice in your head where everybody's got their own stuff going on? The self talk, to change it up to make the decisions and change things?
Nadine: Absolutely. You know, I'm so glad that you shared that because it's been profoundly changed my view of myself. I've been working on this, since Benny taught it to me, and I give it away as a gift to people because it really changed what I was saying to me about me. I wasn't aware that I wasn't being as kind, complimentary, positive, self affirming, as I could have been, until someone asked me to write a list.
You know, so very simple. If you know, if your listeners want to try it, the only two rules are you write positive things, so they can't be negative. You can't say I am a narcissist, you know, to be I am kind, I am tan. I am slut, I'm good at my job, whatever it is for you. The only other thing is, you don't want them to be too harshly edited. So if I want to write I am honest. But the first thought that pops into my head was you asked me if I liked your new shoes. I said yes, but really, I don't like that color of green. You know, that doesn't mean that I can't say I'm honest.
We're talking about who you are at your core, and getting you to think about your life and how you show up in your life and who you really are. So it's just writing you start with a list of 10 positive things about you. For some people, it's easy. For most people, it's challenging. I try and explain it should for often feels like rusty cogs turning in your head, which is the perfect indicator. If I'm not thinking this, what am I thinking? So for some people, they burst into tears straightaway.
Ros: Yeah. Oh, I am. And I'm like, I don't know.
Nadine: But isn't that funny, because most people's perception of you, I'm sure you're so bubbly. You know, you've obviously got so many great things going on with you that people would be shocked to know how we really think of ourselves, talk to ourselves. It changes all the time, you could be the person with the greatest self esteem, who, as you said, going through a bit of a funny period. Maybe right now, that's not what I'm saying to myself, but because these internal conversations are only with ourselves. We don't necessarily see them the same way as if someone else could hear.
So I've spoken, I've worked with people at you know, part of the work I do is, as a mindset coach, I've worked with everyone from little kids through to CEOs. I've found that most people think the same way. You know, it's not just all your amazing all the time up there in your brain, a lot of it is challenging. We have a negative bias and a confirmation bias. Which means I will remember the person who doesn't didn't like my phones 10 years ago. Yeah, remember that? They said that to me, rather than the seven compliments they've given me in the last 10 years. I'll remember that one day that my friend said she didn't like my flip flops.
Ros: So why don't we do that?
Nadine:Our brain is hardwired to keep us safe. So from threats, say from bad people, say from so many things. So we attach to threats. We attach to negatives.Then we have a confirmation bias. So if someone says that top looks amazing on you, and then someone else says it three days later, you're looking for all the reasons why that's true. So someone will look sideways at you in the street and your brain will go.
She's looking at my top, she likes my top. Instead of going oh, she was that lady looking at me depends on what kind of day you're having. It's all perception. So our brains will find the things that make what we're thinking truer, rather than to challenge. So if you know, I let people know there's all kinds of conservative research says we have about 6000 thoughts a day. More advanced estimates are more like 69,000 thoughts a day. I don't know which camp you're in, but I'm in the 69,000.
Ros: Then my brain is always going, but I'm tired of that as well. I think that coming, coming through the last few years, what I'm seeing a lot, and I hear you with the connection, and that is definitely what I'm craving as as a human that you know, the people and getting together and having those very special moments one on one, but I'm exhausted as well. So my brain right now, and I was just talking about this the other day is that I feel like there's this whole fogginess going on.
Sometimes I just can't get the words out, or I can't even articulate what I'm trying to say or what's going on in there. Because there's so much and hearing you say, 69,000 thoughts a day? Yeah, I just want them just.
Nadine: I hate it. You know, so many of us have busy heads when I go and speak at events. I do little surveys from stage I asked who relates to this, how do you feel about this? So I'm getting in chunks of a few 100 people at a time, what's happening in people's worlds. So lots of people have busy heads, I can attest to that, from the surveys I've been doing. Yeah, the thing is, though, if we don't channel our thoughts, if we don't direct our thoughts where we want them to go say towards what's good about us, as opposed to what we don't like about ourselves.
There are 69,000 thoughts a day, that are kind of running wild. So I think like herding cats, you know, you want to corral them and get them going in the right direction. Rather than you know, it's called monkey mind.
So often, my thoughts are here, my thoughts are there, my thoughts are everywhere, and I'm not choosing them. Right. So that's where voice, yeah, that's where something like I am concept can be really helpful. Because it gives you the option to choose something that's going to serve you, instead of hinder you. So something's going to be helpful. So if you realize that, you might not be calling yourself stupid, and you're such a bitch, you know, whatever it is that your head saying it might not be saying nasty things to you.
It just might not be telling you the truth about who you are, how amazing you are, what you're truly capable of, it might just be giving you really neutral feedback. Other people can see it. So they know, if you let them know how you're feeling. So often they challenge you. But you could do that, of course you could Ros. Why wouldn't you put? You know, it's so obvious to everyone else?
Ros: You're like, Well, yeah, and I find that that's also really difficult when the people are having those conversations. So even you and I had the conversation, you're like you're what, what do you mean, this is going on for you like the perception for others and what others see can also be really different. So coming back to the I am concept. I struggled initially, but you asked me some great questions to get my mind thinking in the right direction and processing so that I could then come up with the first 10.
At the end of that you're like, Okay, now I want you to write another 10. I was like, why this is really hard. You're making this like homework. But as you know, and you said to me, it will get easier, and you will start looking for things and you will start looking for signals and come at it from a place of well, what you say that yourself or what you think about yourself, but what would your friends say about you? What would your family say about you? What would your colleagues say about you?
Hearing those voices for me made it so much easier to then write things down? I'm like, Yeah, I am. This, this, this and wrote throughout the list, and I think he's challenged me to get to 50, which I've been able to do.It's really nice now to come back to that. And recognize, yes, I am all of these things. When I'm having a tough day, or I wake up and that inner critic there are you know, there's all of these moments, it's been really helpful.
So I wanted to say thank you for sharing that concept with me because I think it's so important as humans to recognize the good stuff, and who we are at the core. One thing that I talked about with Travel Agent Achievers and I spoke from stage about the other week, as I said, like I started off the whole session talking about you, you have no idea. But it also also this concept because it's about valuing ourselves. It's about valuing who we are, and what we are able to give and what we do as travel advisors, what we give to our clients and what we share with our clients, it comes back to who we are as ourselves. So thank you for sharing that because I know that it's not only helped me but it's also helped so many other people and I love keep doing it. Please continue to share it because it's such a beautiful concept that you've learnt from Sensei Benny but also will impact and help so many more people. So thank you for that.
Moving on, you have been able to write a book as well called 10 seconds of courage. How did this come about? What is your 10 seconds of courage like, well, how can we be courageous, we got any tips, I know that you got to go read the book and everybody, I'm going to encourage you to read the book, we're going to link to it in the show notes, you can grab it directly from the Nadine's website, she's happy to sign it personally for you as well. Give us a little bit more insight into it.
Nadine: Well, first of all, let me say You're welcome. I'm so glad you put something out.
Ros: I know, I just want to push it aside.
Nadine: You know, what comes after 50 is getting to 100. So I can't help it, I just have to give you that challenge.
Ros: I accept.
Nadine: I'm always in your corner. You know, I'm so lucky to have been able to write a book. So the opportunity came from doing that TEDx talk. But I want to talk about 10 seconds of courage. It's a mindset tool. It's like a hammer. If there's a hammer sitting on the table, and you're not using it, it's useless. So knowing the concept and not using it, it's not worth anything.
Ros: Having a hammer on my desk that could be dangerous. Don't do that.
Nadine: It's about using it. So I actually used it to create the opportunity to write the book. So I was very lucky, the curator, not the curator, the the owner, essentially of TEDx sent my YouTube video once I'd done my talk to Allan, and I'm on the publishing company and said, Listen, you know, this talk was I got a standing ovation from 1000s of people who were crying in the Opera House.
So they said, had a really big impact think it'd be a great book. The guy had Allan and Unwin said, great talk, I can't see how it would be a book, but I would see seed on these emails. So I read that, and straightaway, that critic that that doesn't believe in you goes a new wouldn't happen. Like I was excited about the possibility, but then it felt like it had been taken. Then you know, all the the negative thinking kicks in, but having a tool at the ready for the right moment, it turns that thinking off. So instead of accepting it and feeling sad about my missed opportunity, I started typing, straightaway, 10 seconds of courage, start typing.
I said to him, Listen, I totally understand how you feel like that. Can I come in and explain to you why it would be a great book? He said, Yes. So I knew if I went and had a meeting with this guy, I just had that belief system that I'll be able to create the opportunity, mostly because I didn't want to live with a rejection. I didn't want to take the No. Yeah. Because then who loses?Me. He doesn't lose. Who has to go away and deal with those emotions? Me? So I didn't want to so I fought for myself for 10 seconds.
Okay, let me come in and tell you. So I walked out of that meeting. They said, fantastic. Can you write I was like, Yes, I am concept. I am a good writer. So I was like, yes, yes. So I wrote them a Chapter The next thing I knew I had a book deal. So I think we, you know, I use it in my business all the time, just to create opportunities for myself. Or if you think about your business, like a cake that you're baking every week, it's about the icing and the sprinkles that you put on top. So I was very lucky. A week ago, I got to go to Cannes to speak at the Boost Juice conference, who don't have a nice juice, love it. I walk off stage while I'm showing a little video towards the end of my speech and Janine Alice, they had a Boost Juice is side of stage who I hadn't seen her before.
She'd just come in somewhere through my talk. I turn around in the dark and I'm like, Oh, hello. And she said, you are doing really well. You know, keep going. I'm like, Oh, thanks, Jenny. You know, I go back on stage. I finish. I'm chatting to her after my talk. She has been really complimentary. I said, I think so much great to meet you. I walked away. I went in the dressing room to get my luggage and I went 10 seconds of courage. I walked back out. I said, Can I ask you a question? Please? You know, everything you just said to me? Would you mind recommending me to any of your peers if you feel like I'd be a good fit for their conferences? 10 seconds across, just say the sentence to the person who's scary. So even though she's lovely, but you know, I'm not. It's not my natural habitat to ask favors of people. I'm more a do favors person. So I went.
Ros:High five. Yeah, I can totally do everything for everybody else yet. Don't.
Nadine: Yeah, yeah. So let me put a pin in that because I want to come back and ask you something around it. But I basically said that to her and she turned around and said, Well, how about I do one better and I put it on LinkedIn and social media and she has half a million followers on LinkedIn. She did. She posted a picture she said this is one of the best speakers I've ever seen, really complimentary. So nice, because I believe it Hey, y'all wasn't asking in a grubby, I'm in this for the money way, I was just being genuine and the pin that I want to pull out now, it's about intentions.
So I do a morning mindset routine, I have a free download of it on my website, if anyone wants to grab a copy of it's just a simple poster. But it's about doing five things to set yourself up every day. First thing is saying thank you out loud. So coming from a place of gratitude. So I always make sure when I go and speak or do mindset sessions that I give more than they're expecting. The fifth one is around having impeccable intentions. I think we pick up on this so much when it's around connecting with people, whether it's personally or professionally. If you ask from a good place, and you give from a good place, people can smell that especially women intuition, we can smell when someone is coming from a genuine place.
So I believe when you have an ask if you are coming from the right intentions, it comes across and for me my intention in asking Janine from Boost Juice. It wasn't. I want to take over the world and be the most booked speaker and I'm going to put how amazing I am everywhere. You should tell everyone how amazing I am to no interest in that. I don't care how many likes I get on Instagram. Yeah. Even though you can follow me on Instagram. That's okay. He's like my stuff. But it's not about that for me.
My baseline intention, I want to make an amazing life for myself now, because I'm very happy, I'm not dead. I want to make a great life for my family. So that's actually what we started talking about. After I made that ask to her. We were talking, I said to her, are you happy? She seemed really genuine. And she looked at me she was like, Yeah, I am. I said, you happy in your life? Because yeah. We talked about why. And we talked about who we love in our lives.. And had a really honest conversation. Because I was I wasn't asking to suck up to her no interest.
I was asking because I noticed something about this person, I noticed one of her I am. So I asked her. We had a genuine conversation in a business setting around intentions. And I let her know, I articulated after that my intention. Here's why I asked you. Because I want to make the best life I can. For my family. It's not about the business motivation. My business motivation has a really strong intention behind it. Yeah. So I think that's important to remember when we're asking people for things.
Ros: Yeah, absolutely. Coming back to the I am concept as well. But having the 10 seconds of courage. Getting ready in your mind, the mindset taking action on it like this is what it's all about is you've got the right intentions, your values, your integrity, being open to opportunities, but also asking, and then taking action on it. Because if we don't take action, that's where everything else can just start going back through your mind, right? And that's where the inner critic can come out. And oh, no, I'm not good enough that there's a whole lot of stuff that can just bring you back down.
So I'm encouraging everybody as well, please take action in what you want to achieve. putting it out there. It's one of the things that I love doing with our achievers members is the goal setting and saying, what could be possible for you? What is it that makes you happy? What are all the things that are out there that bring you joy in your life, and also inside your business as well. Let's do more of that. Let's have fun with it. Because we've only got the one life and hearing your story and knowing you a bit better in a day. And I just think it's so precious. And if we don't take action, we're just going to cost through just that.
Nadine: That's where the 10 seconds of Courage comes in is I could stay in my comfort zone. We all want to stay in our comfort zone. Why? Because it's comfy.
Ros: It is there. So you can make snugly.
Nadine: Yeah, your life is probably going along quite well. But there are these little moments and it's let me really point out the voice in our heads tends to be on loudspeaker the 69,000 thoughts a day can be a bit shouty for a lot of people. The 10 seconds of courage voice is that, you know, it's comes from your gut, and it's quieter. It's that voice that goes turn around and go and ask her.
Nadine: The voice in your head goes don't ask her, she's gonna say no. But then the voice in your gut saying, Just come and ask.
It's a quiet voice, and it's so easy to ignore it and stay in the comfort zone with the shouty voice. But you know, the biggest things that have had the most exponentially amazing effect on my life have come from that little quiet voice that says, Why don't you add this in at the end of your TEDx talk? Why don't you send the email to the guy saying let me come and have a meeting with you about the book. Why don't you ask the nice lady If she wouldn't mind recommending you, which is something I don't do often, you know.
So it's, it's the little voice of wisdom that we all have that knows how to create more icing on your cake. It's whether or not you in that moment, use it 10 seconds, even though maybe you're scared of the outcome, it feels a little shaky, you're having a bit of doubt as well. If you use that little burst of courage, then you've managed to avoid the number one problem I find for so many people is feeling stuck. We listen to the doubt, which creates hesitation, which creates a missed opportunity. I don't know if you've ever missed an opportunity or at Ros, I have it burns, right. It doesn't feel good. It can be from that feeling of oh, they've walked away.
Now I'm kicking myself, I should have said
Ros: Yes.
Nadine: Or you hang up the phone and you go, why didn't I just offer the extra? That extra option? Even if they'd said No, at least than I offered, we kick ourselves in small and large ways. So 10 seconds of code is the antidote to the kicking yourself afterwards? I'd rather get to know than not ask. I think that comes from having been through the illness that I went through, I go a little cheeky after. Because I realized in five seconds, none of us are going to be here. So why not ask now, and see if I can create a bit more icing on my cake or my family's cake on someone else's cake. Because I don't want to get to the end of my life and have regrets.
Ros: Yeah. I want to just finish it up there. Because that's like a pin has just like dropped. Mic drop.
Nadine: But that's, that's the level I think about things on and you know, I fight people for themselves. When I'm mindset coaching, when I'm speaking. I'm in the fight of my life, I want to have a good life. Not that every day is a struggle, just there are some things in life that are worth fighting for. You talked about what makes you happy and brings you joy. I want to fight for that. Because there's so much tricky stuff in the world that can bog us down.
I want you to have an amazing life. I want your listeners to have an amazing life, I want to have an amazing life. And that does take a bit of courage. I think we all need people in our corner. I'm in everyone's corner today. They didn't know it, but I am in your corner today, you're in mind. You know, a friend of mine jokes that I'm a professional pep talker. But, you know, I think we all need friends, colleagues, wonderful podcast hosts and membership hosts and people who are in our corner helping us to grow and learn and just supporting, especially now in the world. So go be brave, everyone.
Ros:I love it. Thank you for sharing that. Because talking about the pep talks. I mean, I describe myself as a champion for other people as well. I know when you first connected that in all a room, we gave each other that pep talk. So recording the video, the pep talk, the 10 seconds of courage, and I didn't even know much about you at that stage. And that just came naturally for us to have that moment. So I will be forever grateful and very thankful for you and you taking the courage to come and talk to me and for us to have that conversation initially. That was just beautiful. So I'm so glad we did.
Nadine: But isn't that the amazing thing, it did take 10 seconds of courage for me to walk up to you just won a big award. I was like, wow, she must be amazing. You seemed nice. So I went and introduce myself. The beautiful thing is you gave me so much of your time, you gave me a pep talk at a moment where in my business, I needed it.
You were so generous. You've made me a video that I've watched many times over in that moment. We all need people in our corner. I'm so grateful to you. It's those little moments where you think I might go and introduce myself to someone. But it's natural to go, Oh, she wouldn't want to talk to me. But I got so much out of it. I'm so happy that you've gotten something out of it. Have a low tea there, my friend.
Ros: It's so beautiful welled up because I'm remembering these moments. And I think in business and in life. We have so many moments that can pass us by really quickly that we either appreciate and are very thankful for or we might have the moments that we go to him and I wish I just did that. I just want to encourage everybody to have that courage to reach out to be there for other people but also to know that you can ask as well, because we've only got this one life and I want to encourage everybody to live the best life that they possibly can their wildest dreams. Absolutely go for it.
So Nadine, I know we're gonna get into a whole lot of other things. I'm sure we will save that for another time. So for today, I just want to say thank you so much for your time for being here for sharing your journey, your story, giving us some insights into the I am concept and also the 10 seconds of courage. We are going to link to absolutely everything that you've been speaking about, including your TEDx talk, which was beautiful at the Sydney Opera House. Thank you for being here today.
If people want to find you, though, where do you hang out on social media or you know, download some of your resources on your website. Join your programs here. Nadine speak. She's awesome.
Nadine: Oh, thanks. So nadinechampion.com is always a good one. If you want to watch my TEDx talk, pop my name or 10 seconds of courage into YouTube and it will come up. It's also on my website. I like a bit of Instagram if you want to follow me. It's nadinechampion_ , and you can see what's gone on in my little world. But yeah, I mean, thank you so much for having me. You know, you do so many good things for other people. So it's a real honor to be asked to come and be on your podcast.
Ros: Thanks, Nadine. All right, everybody. I hope you have an amazing day and rest of your week. Thank you for being here listening to the podcast, go out and be awesome. Be yourself. Let me know if you write out 10 of those I am concept.
I'm sure that Nadine would love to hear them as well start there. Husky friends, if you're not sure, ask your family. What do they think about you? What do they see you as you know who you are. Go be awesome. We love you. Have a great day. Talk to you very, very soon. Bye for now.
So don't forget, if you love the podcast, please subscribe to it. Reach out and ask me questions as well on social media or via email if you are stuck if you are unsure how to move forward. If you are looking for something just to take the next step in your travel business. I am here for you. I look forward to speaking with you very very soon. Take care and thanks again. Bye for now.